Holo Reboot is an easy to use tool for rebooting a rooted Android device.
Holo Reboot is an easy to use tool for rebooting a rooted Android device running 3.0 or above. The application is designed to use the same theme as stock Honeycomb or Ice Cream Sandwich. This is a great tool for users who want a stock look and feel but also want the expanded functionality offered from root tools.
If your current ROM doesn't offer a reboot menu, then this tool is a must have.
[+] Reboot
[+] Reboot into recovery.
[+] Reboot into bootloader.
[+] Power off the device.
*** You must be rooted to use this tool. ***
A Holo Light themed version is also freely available: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.scartech.hololightreboot
Please note, that some users have experienced problems on custom HTC Sense ROMs.
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